It was a dark and stormy night at the luxurious mansion of Mr. Boddy. The guests, including Miss Scarlett, Colonel Mustard, and Professor Plum, were gathered in the drawing room, sipping their drinks and chatting away. Suddenly, a loud scream echoed through the halls, and they all rushed to the conservatory.
There lay the lifeless body of Mr. Boddy, with a tennis racket lying next to him. It was evident that he had been struck on the head with great force, and the guests realized that they were now in the midst of a murder investigation.
The detective on the case arrived on the scene and began his investigation. As he interviewed each of the suspects, he found that they all had alibis for the time of the murder, except for one person: Blake Shupp, the famous tennis player.
The detective immediately suspected Blake, but he needed proof. So he decided to set a trap to catch the real culprit. He spread a rumor that Blake had been seen in the conservatory around the time of the murder, hoping to trick the real killer into revealing themselves.
As expected, the killer took the bait. It was Braxton, the office dog who had accidentally hit Mr. Boddy with a tennis ball while playing fetch in the conservatory. He had been so scared of getting in trouble that he had run away and hid, leaving the tennis racket next to Mr. Boddy’s body to make it look like Blake was the killer.
The detective couldn’t help but laugh when he realized what had happened. He apprehended Braxton and gave him a stern talking-to, but he couldn’t stay mad at the adorable pup for long.
In the end, Blake was cleared of all suspicion, and the guests breathed a sigh of relief. They all agreed that this was the most entertaining game of Clue they had ever played, and they gave Braxton a pat on the head for being such a good sport.

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