We often work with small businesses who ask us to provide “a little SEO” for their new website. We’ll optimize page titles and links, include relevant key phrases within the content, add search-friendly sitemaps, and register the site with the search engines and appropriate directories. This, along with some training, provides the basic framework for a client to start sharing their products, services, and expertise with the world. But then, after a few months of enthusiastic writing and posts to social media, they stop. The site that had been rising up the SERP listings begins to fall.
There’s a hole in your search engine optimization.
It used to be enough to add optimized titles and links, sprinkle content with the right balance of keywords and phrases, throw in a little business jargon, and maybe trade inbound links with other websites. Now making sure that you’re found online means writing content that is useful and informative to your audience, and writing often. SEO is a balloon with a hole. Keep filling it with information that is useful to your client and it will rise. Stop, and all of that SEO juice will disappear. Fortunately, there are some great tools available (and we can even help). For a few ideas, take a look at our post Content Marketing and Why We’re All Writers Now.